Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mommy Doll

Another Flea Market find from about three years ago (in the original box).  I had to dig deep into the attic to find her. 

We've all heard of baby dolls.  Well, this is an 19 inch Tootsietoy 'The Original Mommy Doll' (emphasis mine).   Taken out of context, 'Original Mommy' is an odd turn of phrase.  Names are not mentioned for the mother or baby (a girl, of course). 

Notice the wedding ring, but there's no mention of 'The Original Daddy Doll'.  At least Midge has Alan (Remember, they're all part of the 'Happy Family').

Strange, but I remembered her as being a larger doll (Her hands and feet seem a bit large for a 19 inch doll).   She has a stuffed fabric bag body similar to many of our 18 inch dolls, but she has a large . . . bosom and a relatively small waist.  I remember my little cousin  Michelle (at the time 3 years old) commenting that one of her mommy's lady friends had a large 'bazoom'.

Mommy seems to be just another 'Bottle Blond' (like my mother)?  Yeah, I have a problem  with all the BLOND dolls.  My mother was born blond, but she (we) worked hard so she could stay blond (I was always recruited to do the hair roots around back). 

Anyway, I promised another Blogger I would post a photograph.

1 comment:

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Very interesting! She's like a precursor to the Happy Family Midge doll. Sorry I didn't comment before. :)