Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pleasant Surprise

Everything in the two photographs below is from thrift stores and flea markets.  The desk was a jewelery box and the bust of George Washington originally held Avon men's after-shave.

The doll was an exciting find!  Saturday morning, Gail and I had dental appointments (just cleaning) on the north side of Columbus.  As we were leaving I asked Gail if we could stop by my three favorite thrift stores on the way home.  This was her first time 'round and she wasn't all that excited.  I promised her lunch at her favorite resturant. 

We entered a large independent store and I walked to the rear to check out the dolls.  The 18" dolls sell for $3 (The price is always written on the bottom of one foot . . . with a black permanent marker).  I usually find a Battat doll, although I once found an Alexander.  I removed a doll from the shelf and began my inspection . . . hummm . . . excellent face and hair . . . a rather nice dress too.

Then I turned her over, lifted her hair, and read "PLEASANT COMPANY" molded into the back of her neck!

I didn't explain my find to Gail until we were back in the car.  She said, "You enjoy the search and discovery, don't you."  Well, she understands a bit more about me and my dolls.  What is more difficult for someone else to understand is why I feel so happy when I'm working with my 'girls'.

Anyway, the tights and shoes are from Dori's Doll Boutique, my favorite place to shop for AG.