Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thrifty Chinese

Everything in these photos is from thrift stores except the pajamas.  Apparently, I purchased the last set 'Lovebug' had in stock.  They're really beautiful (Are guys allowed to say 'cute'?).

Friday, October 14, 2011

School Days

You've already seen one of these desks (from an outdoor flea market) in another post. I found the second one in a thrift store ($5). At first I thought they would be identical . . . not so.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wicker Reunion

Well, I'm back.  I'll start with a post about thrift store finds. 

The two identical wicker chairs were purchased (cheap) a month apart at two different stores. The cushion on the second chair has a small tag that reads 'Made in China / PLEASANT COMPANY / 2008'. The couch is a separate find. I'm going to attempt coordinated cushion(s).

I imagine these as furnishing a porch or sun-room.

All of the dolls are 18", but I'll let you guess who they are.
Two of the dolls are wearing dresses from 'china' dolls.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Saddle Club

My 4-year-old grand-daughter is a fan of the 'Saddle Club', a video originally made for television.  She and I were in the basement (the 'Doll Cave') introducing her to my extended family of dolls.  She wanted to play and take photographs.  She picked out a Battat horse and two dolls.  The choice of clothing was hers, but I had to show her how to dress them. 

"I can do it myself!" (sigh) "Help me Papa John!".  I prefer to let her try first, with a bit of 'complementry' instruction.  The boot zippers were a special, if minor, challenge.

She only weighs 28 pounds, so when the horse fell on it's side, I had to help her stand it upright (but only after she asked).

We alternated taking photos.  The best results are shown below.

This Riding Bareback scene appears in the video, but I have to apologize for the absence of riding helmets (Kids, don't try this at home!).

It was fun listening to her create stories about her two new friends and their horse.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Pleasant Sailor

I visited my favorite thrift store last week and discovered two more 18" Pleasant Co. dolls.  You'll notice on the soles of their feet, the current price is $2.50!  The tags on their bodies read 'American Girl'.  One doll has 'Pleasant Company' in large letters on her neck, the other has small letters.  The strings are uncut.

Their rather short hair is two different shades of blond, but they share the same freckles and deep blue eyes.


The dolls' faces are not alike.  Notice the width and shape of their heads.  The doll on the right has upper eyelids.  Plus their eyes, noses, lips, and chin are shaped differently.

One doll was wearing a 'sailor suit' with an 'American Girl' tag.  I added the red turtleneck and shoes.

I looked up the three alphabet flags in my father's old (1940) 'Bluejackets' Manual'.  What a Surprise!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pleasant Surprise

Everything in the two photographs below is from thrift stores and flea markets.  The desk was a jewelery box and the bust of George Washington originally held Avon men's after-shave.

The doll was an exciting find!  Saturday morning, Gail and I had dental appointments (just cleaning) on the north side of Columbus.  As we were leaving I asked Gail if we could stop by my three favorite thrift stores on the way home.  This was her first time 'round and she wasn't all that excited.  I promised her lunch at her favorite resturant. 

We entered a large independent store and I walked to the rear to check out the dolls.  The 18" dolls sell for $3 (The price is always written on the bottom of one foot . . . with a black permanent marker).  I usually find a Battat doll, although I once found an Alexander.  I removed a doll from the shelf and began my inspection . . . hummm . . . excellent face and hair . . . a rather nice dress too.

Then I turned her over, lifted her hair, and read "PLEASANT COMPANY" molded into the back of her neck!

I didn't explain my find to Gail until we were back in the car.  She said, "You enjoy the search and discovery, don't you."  Well, she understands a bit more about me and my dolls.  What is more difficult for someone else to understand is why I feel so happy when I'm working with my 'girls'.

Anyway, the tights and shoes are from Dori's Doll Boutique, my favorite place to shop for AG.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cast Iron Providance

I recently visited an outdoor flea market and found a vendor with two items of interest that, together, cost a bit more than my 'budget' for the day ($20).  I continued touring the market until it suddenly started raining.  I immediately turned around and walked back to the vendor's table (so long, budget).  When I arrived, he was busy packing up.  The rain was getting stronger and I could hear thunder in the distance.  He turned around, looked at me and said, "I'll take $20 for both". 

I gave him $20 and got soaked walking back to my car!  The two items are pictured below.


A cast iron and wood school desk.

The doll below is a BFC 'Noelle', but her hair is more black than brown.  I must confess that I did some photo editing and eliminated her wrist joints. 

It didn't take me long to realize that the BFC dolls represent an older child than AG, OC, MA dolls.  I would guess about 12 years old.  The slender figure and long neck are obvious features . . . others are not so obvious.  The torso is a bit more . . . mature . . .

The dress is recycled from a $3 thrift store 'fashon doll'.  She's wearing white lace stockings over pink tights.

The shoes are from one of the BFC 'Fashon Packs' and were originally hot pink with thick white soles.  The BFC shoes are . . . unattractive . . .  I spray painted them with white acrylic paint.  I then glued silk flowers, previously dipped in clear acrylic medium, to the fronts. 

Does anyone know of a source for well-made shoes that fit BFC dolls?


A cast Iron and wood park bench.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Arranging Flowers

About three weeks ago, my wife Gail and I spent a quiet weekend in Charleston, West Virginia (an easy 4-hour drive from Columbus, Ohio).  Of course I had to check out at least one Flea Market. 

Our son-in-law Mike grew up in Charleston.  When we returned and I told him about my fleas, his first comment was, "But you missed the big market."

Oh well, I foresee another road trip in my future.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


An OG Jenny with two Thrift Store finds.  The Jewelery Box is in really good condition.

The clock is in perfect condition.  Instead of the usual four brass balls that rotate back and forth, it has four small pink Roses in green pots.  The clock face and base are glazed ceramic.  The Serenity prayer is printed on the base.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lamps and Flowers

Everything in this photograph is from Thrift Stores except the doll's tights and shoes (Dori's).  The oil lamp is functional, but I have to work up the courage to light it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post Card Dolls

These are restored post cards with images that remind me of our 18 inch dolls.

Early 1900's Costume Ideas

This is a photograph of my grandmother as a young girl (about 1915). Notice the hat and the heels on her shoes (Boots?).

Mommy Doll

Another Flea Market find from about three years ago (in the original box).  I had to dig deep into the attic to find her. 

We've all heard of baby dolls.  Well, this is an 19 inch Tootsietoy 'The Original Mommy Doll' (emphasis mine).   Taken out of context, 'Original Mommy' is an odd turn of phrase.  Names are not mentioned for the mother or baby (a girl, of course). 

Notice the wedding ring, but there's no mention of 'The Original Daddy Doll'.  At least Midge has Alan (Remember, they're all part of the 'Happy Family').

Strange, but I remembered her as being a larger doll (Her hands and feet seem a bit large for a 19 inch doll).   She has a stuffed fabric bag body similar to many of our 18 inch dolls, but she has a large . . . bosom and a relatively small waist.  I remember my little cousin  Michelle (at the time 3 years old) commenting that one of her mommy's lady friends had a large 'bazoom'.

Mommy seems to be just another 'Bottle Blond' (like my mother)?  Yeah, I have a problem  with all the BLOND dolls.  My mother was born blond, but she (we) worked hard so she could stay blond (I was always recruited to do the hair roots around back). 

Anyway, I promised another Blogger I would post a photograph.

Something Old, Something New

This is a new Battat Katheryn with a BATTAT denim outfit from an older flea market battat doll.  The 'Shearling' boot shoes are from Dori's Doll Boutique (ebay) and the neckerchief is from a thrift store teddy bear.

Has anyone else noticed that the Battat dolls seem to have 'mommy' hips and bums.


I really enjoy creatimg 'scenery' for my dolls. These are 'silk' flowers scavenged from thrift store floral arrangements. A few samples are shown below.

I choose the arrangements with a variety of flower sizes, mostly small to medium, but as you can see, the big ones come along for the ride. Be sure to 'air dust' and decontaminate thrift store stuff.

The flowers on the left center are 'rubbery' plastic, similiar to those on the early Mattel 'Dream Houses'.

The yellow, orange, and red flowers on the right center were purchased from a craft store 90 percent off 'Fall Colors' sale. Ordinarily, craft store silk flowers are priced way beyond my budget.

Sometimes, I just buy to decorate.


Battat Dolls

I purchased an 'Our Generation' doll at a thrift store ($3) last week. She has a kind of 'creepy' face. Today (01/01/2011), I went into Target and purchased a 'new stock' Katheryne ($20) for comparison. The two dolls look nothing alike!  I think Katheryne is rather cute. But what do I know, I'm just an old Grand Pa.

Just a quick note:  I use those tiny rubber hair bands to hold my dolls' socks up.


beast'sbelle said...
Katheryne does have a much better face. I've also seen Battat dolls with the same face as Katheryne, except they have two teeth showing. I think they were trying to make them look more like AG dolls, but all it did was make them look buck-toothed. :} I like them with closed lips much better.
AlexAndrea said...
I did a serious inspection of the Battat doll bodies. I have a few negative comments on the older doll: The eyebrows are rather dark, crude, and seem to be positioned a bit low and wide. The eyes have painted lashes above AND below in addition to the 'real' lashes on her eyelids. This gives her that creepy stare Her mouth is too wide and the lower lip is too large. The fabric torso has several problems. The 'bag' is too big and seems over-stuffed. As a result she looks like a hunch-back with no hips and 'love handles'. I intend to practice 'cosmetic surgery' on this doll ($3 isn't much of a loss if the experiment goes awry).
AlexAndrea said...
I saw one of the Battat dolls with two teeth showing, it's just as you say. Emma has such a beautiful face!
AlexAndrea said...
Samantha arrived today! She's gorgeous! Just as described, her arms and hip joints are a bit loose, but mom had a great post on tightening them. Your blog is so cool! I examined Sanantha's teeth and now believe I can perform orthodontic correction to the Battat dolls. I found another $3 thrift store Battat doll with the better face (no teeth) and torso.

White Lace Furry

This an OG Victoria-Marie doll wearing a dress from a Thrift Store Teddy Bear. The shoes are from Dori's Doll Botique.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Barbie's Dream House

Just for fun, this my favorite 38 inch Barbie with 'Barbie's Dream House'. By the way, her Nikes are size 5.

Lights, Camera . . .

The doll is an 18 inch SpringField Collection 'Emma'.  The chest, dress (I added the rose), and lamp are thrift store items.  The shoes and tights are from Dori's.  The Dollie was crafted by one of Gail's aunts about a half-century ago. 

Does anyone know of a source for handles, knobs, and hinges for doll furniture?  I wish this chest had 6 handles.  Below is a photo edit to show the difference.

It's Done with Mirrors

I found this item at an independent thrift store on the north side of Columbus.  It looks similar to several AG / OG furniture items I've seen on eBay.  I've never seen anything like this, though.  It's extremely heavy and beautifully designed and crafted.  I only paid $10.80 ($12.00 minus my 10 percent discount  for being over 50 years old).

Someone may recognize it.  The only marking is a small gold 'Made in China' sticker on the bottom.

Tempus Fugit

This is a picture of an AG doll wearing a dress from a thrift store Teddy Bear.  I've found that the neck size is the most important dimension to check on clothes from stuffed furries.  This dress was a bit shabby, but it's amazing what hand washing can do.

The White Diamond Tights from Dori's Doll Boutique are a beautiful item and they have heels!  A word of caution: keep them away from Velcro! 

I found the Grandfather Clock at a Goodwill thrift store ($5).  It operates on 110 volts and simply plugs into a wall outlet (The pendulum swings and the clock chimes the hour and half-hour).